
2013 x-chromo kassandra fowley spent 13,000 for a new set of titties, 3 years later home forclosured. Why any of this happened, I have assumptions, so my assumptions are logical questions.

Where did she get money for titties, and what prevented her from paying mortgage? What was x-chromo's motivation? Does she believe hubby is going to time out anytime soon? I hate saying this, but the underdog will outlast y'all. Father lost Eldest daughter under strange circumstances accidental suicide.

y-chromo bruce Cho drug mule partnered with fuckfaceferg&son the 3 bears sharing goldilox such a classic story. But wait grinnin cunt got exactly what she wanted until her daddy died.

grinnin cunt doesn't want or need your support thanks to daddy's death. y-chromo like jack the ripper when he's been slated by women. Aunt first born died of lupus, and lost second child to lupus. Son in jail for charges of assault.

Abused Daughters, blackmailing their father, and hustlin for money. daddy will be pushed so far until he resorts to murder. Brother and Sister abused as toddlers refusing to name perp.

Frightened young adults who are isolated from the world, held by a thin string of trust. Meaning son and mommie had sex created last baby. Baby girl's children suffer bi-polar disorder.