
South Tower collapsed at 9:59 am, less than an hour after hit, North Tower collapses at 10:28 am. Seven World Trade Center collapsed at 5:21 pm from fires that had started when the North Tower collapsed.

South Tower collapsed 9:59 am add digits 9+5+9= 23 2+3= 5

North Tower fell 10:28 am 1+0+2+8= 11 1+1= 2

Pentagon hit 9:37 am 9+3+7= 19 1+9= 10 1+0= 1

Tower 7 fell 5:21 pm 5+2+1= 8 or military time 1+7+2+1= 11 1+1= 2

Year collapse happened year of snake, towers fell in Chinese ascendant of snake 9 am to 11 am. 9-11 hours for ascendant. Twin Towers 110 stories each 220 total, tower 7, 52 stories. Flight 11 crashed North tower, and flight 175, speed 586 struck South Tower of the World Trade Center between floors 77 and 85. American Airlines Flight 77, with 58 passengers and 6 crew members aboard, slammed Pentagon.

Western astrology Virgo sacrificed virgin. 11 Gemini Twins.

Conspiracies, astrological symbolism rampant I would love to kick it with a numerologist.