[alleged niteflirt homewrecker the bacon factory heather hays gm manager for McDonald's 5601 Capitol Blvd SE, Tumwater, WA 98501]

ur talking to a Dominant I'm not here to give, feed, or offer cock any level of *relief*. Dominant in Talk and Walk different for assholes who are accustomed in being catered. Those who revel in disgusting fantasies who feel they deserve it their way.

ur not bending Me over in any respect. If u can't tell person married what u like, dislike, married under lies. Making every excuse in book having others feel sowwy for u.

person is looking for pitiful fuck.

Been a hot minute, I've come back different and changed. Funny how life changes perspective in a dramatic way. Point of matter I'm here to sink homewreckers. I want u to feel burn of humiliation.

Giving homewrecking homewreckers taste of medicine. I want homewrecker to feel shame, guilt, and burn every time u look into family eyes.

heather Nicole hays I want u exposed.

Knowing funds, time, and attention homewrecker randy allen hartman pour into sluts.

Living with homewrecker randy hartman Federal Tax ID: 25-1814034 US and ghost alleged bitches emily wallgren phoenix az., heather hays, and heather lee heatherly dyer.

heather lee dyer heatherly and keith Bryan heatherly

possibly heather lee dyer

heather lee dyer-heatherly

keith Bryan heatherly Santa Rosa fl

heather lee and Keith Bryan divorced 2019

heather lee dyer heatherly and keith Bryan heatherly filed for divorce in Santa Rosa fl in 2019. What heather dyer's fun bags weren't enough? 2010 homewrecker heather dyer discussed after hysterectomy keith did not touch her sexually wanted nothing more to do with wife. I wonder why? Did heather have more than hysterectomy? Something like an sti? Possibly genital herpes of second type?

emily wallgren Poulsbo wa

randy hartman

Federal Tax ID: 25-1814034 US I'm sure lil number ties all parties together.

homewrecker emily catherine wallgren fahey Phoenix, az and gabriel james fahey married quickly. randy hartman eluded emy married gabriel to gain control of finances. Allegedly keeping Gabe in a drugged zombie trance state in keeping him under control.

Stripping and chiseling away any level of self esteem. Since gabe a recovering alcoholic why not have gabe yield to inhibitions?

Allegedly emily wallgren-fahey wanted to eat cake and ice cream. Their both trust fund babies financially independent and wanted gabe's ass under lock and key. Not sure when they divorced but happy marriage was short lived.

heather hays Centralia wa

homewrecker heather hays I suspect has two children by my future x homewrecking husband randy hartman, and runs baconfacory.com lil alleged homewrecker whore needs to be patient in marrying randy hartman damn how long does heather hays need to wait?

What girlfriend of nine years isn't enough for homewrecker heather hays shinayla William gm of McDonald's Tumwater, WA. Where heather hays is gm at capital drive in Tumwater, WA.

heather hays Centralia wa

External Link|heather hays

bruce cho homewrecker asshole Biological father went out his way in homewrecking family. bruce and kassandra truly hated one another, but hated daughter more. Tried to destroy Me parents sexually molested, beat, and neglected Me.

bruce cho is certainly no prize an over glorified drug king pin suffering megalomania. michelle lee cho My 1/2 sister aka mimi bean.

What ashame My time in wrecking parents “Memoirs of a Dominatrix”

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