
I need ekg's yearly to monitor my 💓 due to heart murmur. Still haven't a ekg to date. Thanks to My family I should sue for bodily damage. My heart, central nervous system blown, and thanx to child post traumatic stress disorder.

I have extreme levels of anxiety, issues with trust, and repulsed in engaging in physical contact with others. Normally I yell at wart, he's lucky if I speak to him. wart married me to spite vegasbaby.

randy allen hartman traveled so often he didn't have to be present, never stayed in contact. Choices he made put distance between us, and today life is awkward.

I can't explain to a socio narcissist why life sux. wart's been this way for years, can't change behavior. he will never see monster he truly is, and I have prime opportunity to watch evil evolve.