Social Disturbance.
Both parents terribly abused, not able to emotionally mature, created Border Line Personality Disorders. My parents are 1 year 4 months and 8 days apart, born Mercury in Retrograde, initials reversed spell calm, and birthday 8-14.
Born on a Black Moon or New Moon. Granted protection by rites of DNA by extra-terrestrial influence, and hunted by special groups. Due to my origins what makes me special? My parents DNA Nordic/Star Maternal, Star/Dragon Paternal.
Other world beings planned my birth awhile ago. I have Nordic, Star, and Dragon DNA are stable. Nordic and Star DNA should not co-habitat, but ah-ha Dragon DNA gives stability. How? Scientists are working theories of my origins. military began tests at birth, actual testing at 3. Alias: Livewire, number Z10RX2
A memory, carted down a concrete hall way, wrapped mummy style, and strapped down. The musty air burned my nose, water dripped, and fluorescent lights hurt my eyes. Six people carried me on a gurney, hats, green uniform, huge metal doors. I don't remember anything else.