I want the one person who has never laid a harmful hand, delivered insult, or judged. My Grandmother held me no matter how fussy, upset, or cranky. She whispered in my ear until I calmed down, allowed me to express as a baby. Ajumma never lost her patience, a woman you never wanted to cross. Why? Cuz, She'd kill anyone with pure kindness. Ajumma, smoothed anything over with tea, genuinely believed in solutions. No, matter what Grandmother experienced nothing ever changed her heart. Every time Ajumma looked at me, I felt warm soulful eyes, soft expression, and genuine radiance. Ajumma, my first true love, very definition of unconditional love. Hell, Grandmother chased me while she put my diaper on, and shoo'ed my mother away. (heheh) A stated presence, humble confidence combination of nature and nurture. Grandmother naturally nurtured me without question, and loved wholeheartedly. I want nothing more than her loving touch.