Blaque Cube
People since dawn of time worshipped deities world wide. Stories are similar with cute variations.
Paganism, The Mother, Father, and Holy Ghost wrapped beautifully interwoven Trinity cleverly disguised through religion.
Tower of Babel housed Witch craft, Philosophy, Market a place where people could gather. Whatever the case Tower was brought down by God
perhaps a bit of foreshadowing? People were taken from Babel displaced, told to follow Mono views, if not die?
Sodom and Gommorah who truly knows what happened, but God killed people for different beliefs. God feels hateful.
How can I truly be given freedom of choice if God is gunna strike me down for making an incorrect choice? I don't need church to tell me: murder, cheating, or abuse is a terrible thing.
If I were to commit any act consciously fracturing My Soul I'd feel gravity of actions, God doesnt need to say a word. baptism perverse, I did not want to sell My Soul at an early age.
Baptism a trap!! If I am going to hell personally, Let me go to hell without guidance from misplaced views.