[Niteflirt Trend] of Fin Dommes
Early Days, Women believed “Blackmail” was the way to hold clientele. 2004-2008 findommes used power and control found 2009 law changed. Using photos and information became Illegal thus creating 2257, using nudie pix, nasty video, people need cients address, social security, phone, to legally use material.
Many Fin Dommes lost alot of power, clients complained of Women logging into their account. Dammn, Unless women are awesome hackers! Other side of Token, Women could have reported clients for soliciting info, but choose against common sense, and decided to roll dice..
Many disappeared, gone underground (using content photo-ed listing), some sold accounts, or some where str-8 up deleted. New Era of Fin Dommes, I'll pop my pussy for calls?