[Fuck Niteflirt] Homewreckers

[Fuck My Thoughts exposes abusive homewrecking relationships, alleged conspiracy for Murder. Need Live from an Intuitive Domme Advice for acrimonious affairs? Alisssandra offers a compilation of diabolical deviant short stories. Marital affairs, exposing dark ethics in consent, philosophy, financial ruination, phonesex, gossip. Articles, blackmail, commitment, homewrecking. Contact @ niteflirt 1-800-863-5478 press 3 er ext 0189705. Content does not depict Author.

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trust piggy fund must have realized how poor he truly is.. he married me for what my last name offers and marital tax exemptions.

Wart needed my last name to get in with daddy dearest who happens to be a two bit drug mule.

daddy fucker got out of state prison 2007, round about time runde decided to changemajors from computers to business. 2007 daddy fucker got business up and going (where did he find funds to float business?)

2008 We fly to Japan, fuckfacefergie steps @ comp daddy owns plumbing business.

Interesting lines of business plumbing and construction? at one spot.

Who introduced whom to who?Doesn't matter but in 2015 attempts upon attempts in trying to Kill Me.

What justified trust piggy fund and runde in taking My Life? 2016 Meeting with daddy fucker, If I didn't know any better daddy fucker wanted to

make business offer. I guess my husband believes he should run my father's business since he is qualified. What were people hoping to gain in my death?Doesn't matter now, because y'all.

blog/2018/0521_crass.txt ยท Last modified: 11/27/2020 16:33 by

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