Lolita pic
vegasbaby been fucking wart since she was 16. Met vegasbaby when he was on watch, and gurl refused to leave his side. wart felt like a proud daddy. Day he told me about cute petite blonde giving attention he needed.
2002 Pontiac vegasbaby and wart went to Seattle to purchase vehicle, wart let her drive vehicle off the lot, fucks up grill, and wart never thought to fix damage considering insurance covered, unless vegasbaby was behind wheel.
2004 yr before I moved in wart talked of a 17 yr old blond he met by mistake thinking she was 18. his way of telling me it over? Fuck, I never knew Lolita existed. He described her as drugged out of her mind. Didn't want to know her anymore. I don't know why Pierre jaque, and Andi Benton partied with underage bitches.
wart accompanied Joel and vegasbaby in New York. New York shirt? vegasbaby wanted for souvenir. Road trip to Montana was wart, vegasbaby, and Paul?
Photo taken with father, wart took photos. vegasbaby's never changing show smile, fake.
vegasbaby has known wart for 16 yrs of her life. They keep secret bonded fantasy. Oh, gurlie boy it's whore ya married. Keep meth, ghb, poppers on hand.
Man she claimed u needed to save vegasbaby from My Father. Who vegasbaby's been fucking while wart's away. Yes, myung wants vegasbaby and wart dead for double crossing him. Funny story huh?
They enjoy owl n thistle on St Patrick's day. Does girlie boy celebrate Patty's day?
Ask Myrna @ trace tavern daytime waitress, staff at as city, SC barber, talk to k. Huffington, she well acquainted with wart. Watch lies pour in gurlie boy if ya have stomach for gay boy. Wait till ur walls tumble around u. She'll be ready to kill u for her freedom, as My husband tried killing Me.
2005, he left military without discussing choice with me. wart left cuz he didn't receive promised promotion and left military.
2005 - cutenkinkycourtney graduated high school, wart needed to leave military. wart was in OC for 1 yr, vegasbaby joined wart. wart did her homework in high school and college.
Does she take u green tavern, 19th hole, garage, silver city, traceton, lowsbo municipal pool, walk city parks in brem, trails in silver city? Loved Bangor/b places I never had access. It's what lovers used to do. Fuck at pool, school, car, our floor, and flew her overseas on multiple occasions to live fantasy.
Curl up blue sleeping bag together in back bed of twilight truck, did she ever throw rocks at ur window summoning u to come play.
Wart's mother agrees vegasbaby was a better choice based on who her father was in Military, a name who could have furthered his career. Mommie in law has met roxief, sent vegasbaby on a cruise in 2014. Mommie inlaw wanted an upgraded mother in law suite.
g boi have u stopped buying flowers for roxief? Now girlie boy humiliated has cause to cheat. damn Gabrielle devalued u quickly like liquidated stock, but not sunk yet.
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