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Hopefully one article will accomplish what I have to say.
At Six Melissa went into hibernation, statis, a cryogenic deep freeze. Mel needed to take over abuse suffered. Child is beaten, battered, and bruised. She hasn't seen sun in a long while, and fears light of day. If sun where to shine anywhere on body would exposed every scar left on tiny frame.
Exposing self brings tremendous fear. Not wanting others to see what she hid for years. Housed within Melissa's core is immense love, destruction, and chaos. 3 are powerful are on there own, but when all three work in tandem becomes a force beyond nature.
Melissa stays in a childlike state scared. Ironic past 3 years have reinforced “Melissa” for past 3 yrs I haven't acknowledge my birth name. Meaning zero response to people saying my name. People typically end out pissed off.
I hate when I introduce myself as “Mel” people bypass introduction and proceed to call me *Melissa*. Why? What is objective?
If people who work in a specialized field are looking for a breakthrough fuck y'all are over due.
Allegedly I had ties to militarized black ops who have taken a special interest in Me. Can't undo damaged created in me.
How I relate, communicate, and express myself are left on pages. Read, make sense out of any rambling given. My goal keeping u in arms length of me.
Handlers sent have bit the dust unfortunately I wasn't able to save my daughter in any of carnage or granddaughter. My biggest regret.
My family line has been torn apart must be so proud randy allen hartman. 3 generations of women past, present, and future. Love wrecking homes?