Brandy LeeAnn Looney
I'm positive Brandy's LeeAnn Looney's birthday is 7/10/1979 sandy kay looney aka kassandra kaie fowley 4-23-1960.
What my child mind remembers, when [myung chul cho bruce cho 12-15-1958] and [sandy kay looney kassandra fowley] fought I'd run to Brandy's side trying to calm my sister for fear they'd hurt Brandy for crying.
Our parents systematically programmed me through terror and abuse. I was two trying to calm Brandy and whispering “Please don't cry.” I gently held Brandy's hand through wooden railing of crib.
I remember two social workers coming to Swan Creek apartments in Tacoma, Wa. social workers dressed in Gray suits with white button-up shirts one balding with brown hair male, brown eyes, and one blond woman with shoulder length hair waved at very ends with blue eyes.
Brandy asleep on couch with white receiving blankets dressed in a white sleeper with animal print. I don't know what was discussed. Social workers stayed for about 30 minutes and picked Brandy up and removed Brandy from residence. Home Children society, Tacoma, WA. where Brandi was put up for adoption.
Story given to my mother about who adopted Brandy a professor at UW and a nurse Brandy was placed in a household with adopted children
When pulling into swan Creek there's a small hill make first right D5 located middle portion of building d-6 lived Donna Bear mother and Lucinda Bear daughter were neighbors across from us. I attended Sheridan elementary from 1982-1985.